With vacation time in full swing, it is time to ensure you remain healthy before, during and after your vacation. You want to make the most out of this time, so it is important you stay healthy through some easy actions.
The following are some tips and precautions for enjoying a healthy vacation:

- Before you go you should ask your physician if you need any immunization boosters – ie. tetanus.
- If you are headed for an exotic destination in the tropics or developing countries you may want to research if there are any immunizations (like hepatitis A or yellow fever) or medicines you take as a precaution, or have them with you in case you get sick. The State Department has ample information on travel vaccines.
- You can ease jet lag by going to bed 2 hours later(if you are traveling west) and 2 hours earlier(if you are traveling east) each night
- About 30 to 70 percent of people who travel to developing countries get traveler’s diarrhea(TD) so you can ask your doctor for antibiotics in case this happens. Also try to avoid raw foods, street fare, ice and unbottled water
- Hotels and motels are the most common places to get bed bugs. Places that look rundown and outdated are less vigilant about treating rooms so you are more like to get bed bugs. However, luxury hotels are also prone to bed bug issues so be aware of what to look for before climbing into the bed. Do keep clothing and luggage off the floors
- Remember to stay hydrated. Being on vacation isn’t like your normal routine so you have to drink more water to stay hydrated. You should aim to drink 9 to 13 cups of fluids
- Pack all medications in their original packaging in case so the medication can be quickly identified in an emergency or if necessary.
- In case you run out of medications or need medical attention be aware of where the local doctor and pharmacy are located at your destination.
- Program your cell phone to have someone listed as an Emergency Contact so medical personnel can contact your designated person to assist if required.
- Find ways to add exercise while on your vacation – it can be as easy as walking instead of driving, renting a bike or taking a hike nearby. Have a sense of adventure.