There is a strong connection between diabetes and your vision health. If you have prediabetes or diabetes Diabetes and Eye Health it is important to get your blood glucose levels under control. According to the American Diabetes Association, individuals with diabetes have a higher risk of blindness than those without diabetes and are 40 percent more likely to have glaucoma and 60percent more likely to have cataracts. Those statistics are staggering and we must protect the gift of sight.
There are various types of retinal damage that can be caused by diabetes. This is typically referred to as diabetic retinopathy. If you have chronic blood glucose levels (high blood sugar), the tiny blood vessels that supply needed blood to your retina in your eye get damaged, which causes them to be unable to function properly. Lack of blood supply to the retina can eventually lead to vision loss. Furthermore, your body may trigger the growth of new blood vessels, in order to compensate for the damaged blood vessels, which in turn can rupture and leak blood. In the end, these blood vessels can cause retinal detachment or glaucoma.
The longer you have had the diagnosis of diabetes increases your likelihood of getting retinopathy. If your blood sugar is not under control, the likelihood of complications increases considerably.
The two common symptoms are blurry vision dark floating spots. it is important you see your ophthalmologist every six months if you are diabetic. Additionally, it is crucial that you manage your blood sugar levels. Many diabetics will check their blood sugar levels at home, but be sure to see if you are managing those levels by getting a Hemoglobin A1c test which is a way to find out your average blood sugar levels over time.
Some discount blood lab tests to consider:
Or order our Diabetes test package for an economical way to get all the tests above plus additional screening tests to be sure your organs are not affected by high blood glucose levels.