We have all heard of people who are on gluten free diet; there are some who follow this diet by choice and others who follow this diet because they have no choice. Those who must follow a gluten free diet for their well being have celiac disease. Celiac disease is when someone is essentially gluten intolerant. If someone with celiac disease were to eat gluten it would cause the immune system to attack the person’s small intestine, which could cause many of the following issues: rashes, abdominal pain, and in severe cases, even death.
If you are diagnosed with celiac disease you shouldn’t panic as there are more options in grocery stores and restaurants for those who are gluten free. Gluten free diets are being normalized so it’s not too rare now.
On the other hand, if you are following a gluten free diet by choice, you may be omitting some important nutrients, such as fiber and whole grains. Some reports indicate that following a gluten free diet is healthier and in some cases it can be, but you could also be eating more unnecessary calories and more added sugars when consuming prepackaged, gluten-free foods. Always read the labels so you know what you are eating. Additionally, whole foods are typically better and more nutritious then any type of packaged and processed food.
Remember not to be alarmed if you are diagnosed with celiac disease, because you have many options nowadays. Those with celiac and on a restricted diet indicate that living gluten-free is pretty easy and eventually you won’t even miss gluten. If you are living gluten-free by choice consider making exceptions to get important nutrients you cannot get in gluten free diets.
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