Vitamin Deficiency Package
This test will determine Vitamin A, B12/Folate and D.
Vitamin Deficiency is an online blood lab test package to determine vitamin deficiencies for Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and Folate.
Vitamin deficiencies can leave you feeling sick and can mpact the future of your health. Some health conditions and some medications can cause poor vitamin absorption. Getting tested for a deficiency is the only way to know if you are vitamin-deficient.
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B12 and Folate
- Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy) including D2 and D3
Preparation: This is a 12 hour fasting test. No foods containing Vitamin A should be ingested in the 48 hours before your blood draw.
Estimated time to receive online results is 6-9 days.