Testosterone (T&F), FSH, Estradiol Package
Discount Blood Test Package that includes estradiol, FSH, testosterone (total & free) at a discount.
This discounted panel of blood tests include:
- Testosterone, Total & Free
- Estradiol
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
This package usually takes 5-8 business days to report.
If initial results are significantly high, the lab may conduct retesting for confirmation and this will delay reporting several more days or longer. Very high results can take 14 days to report.
Preparation: Unless you are diabetic or pregnant, you should fast for 12 hours prior to your blood draw. While fasting, do drink plenty of water and continue with prescribed medication.
If using a testosterone cream please be sure you have not rubbed any into the antecubital area of your arm for the last 24 hours as it can give elevated results.