Please select any lab during the ordering process. We will mail this test to you with the instructions and the test is completed in the convenience of your home.
The Adrenal Profile provides a picture of adrenal hormone metabolism and should be considered if you believe you have adrenal dysfunction or stress.
This test is also useful as a second step of testing for those with adrenal fatigue symptoms, but whose saliva cortisol levels are normal (i.e., may indicate hyperexcretion of cortisol / excessive conversion to cortisone). Lastly, this is useful as a screening test for Addison’s or Cushing’s disease.
The Adrenal Profile – Urine test will report:
- Total Cortisol
- Free cortisol x4
- Total Cortisone
- Tetrahydrocortisol
- Tetrahydrocortisone
- Free Cortisone x4
Uses Urine Metabolites Home Kit.
Please select any lab during the ordering process. We will mail this test to you with the instructions and the test is completed in the convenience of your home. *This information was obtained from ZRT Laboratory – uses kit name Urine Metabolites